Thursday, November 20, 2014

Room 108’s Secret Password:

Every morning the students of Room 108 need to read the secret password before entering the class. The words written will help them stretch out sounds (all from previous letters of the week) to read a simple sight word. Today’s word and tomorrow’s is “Nap”.


The letter of the week is written on the student’s hands once/twice a week to help reinforce their understanding of uppercase and lowercase letters. It also gives parents an opportunity to ask students about the sound, shape of the letter and review words that begin with that letter. Ask your child to review the letter of the week with you daily.

Words that the students of Room 108 have come up with that start with the letter N are:

During Literacy Centres, the students choose words they like to spell and items they draw all beginning with the letter N using the smartboard. 

Curriculum Expectations:
-demonstrate knowledge of most of the letters of the alphabet in different contexts

Home Activity:
Have your child chant the words that start with the letter N and have them try to come up with words at home. Have them stop you when you are talking when you say a word that begins with the letter N. 

Literacy Centre: Alphabet puzzles are a great way to work with your child and discuss the sounds of each letter as opposed to only the name of each letter. 


As the letter of the week is N, the students of Room 108 created “Necklaces”. Incorporated into this lesson was math as the beads used to create the necklaces were 3D shapes (small introduction to 3D shapes). The students discussed the various 2D shapes they found in the 3D shapes which will be formally introduced next week.

Curriculum Expectations:
-investigate the idea that quantity is greater when counting forward (by counting the number of beads used)
-demonstrate understanding of counting concepts of stable order (counting 1, 2, 3)
-explore, sort and compare 2D shapes
-explore, identify and describe using geometric terms for 2D shapes


As the weather has changed we are focusing on the seasons and changes in temperature. Yesterday we read “Thomas’ snowsuit” which was a fun way of discussing the changes in weather and the added outdoor clothing. 

Curriculum Expectations:
-ask questions about and describe natural occurrences, using their own observations and representations
-make predictions and observations before and during investigations

After the story, we took the opportunity to have a student model how to properly put on all of our outdoor clothing before going outside (Self-Regulation). 

Curriculum Expectation: 
-demonstrate self-reliance and a sense of responsibility (e.g., make choices and decisions on their own, take care of personal belongings, know when to seek assistance, know how to get materials they need)

Over the next few weeks we will be exploring Water and how it freezes/melts (temperature changes). 

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