Teacher Resources

Early Learning Reads:

Early Learning for Every Child Today A framework for Ontario early childhood settings

Edugains - Read more about the FDK Program

Learning and Development Through Play - A group of educators from England demonstrate why it is important to let students play.

TDSB Kindergarten Program Description


Helping Young Children See Math in PLAY 


Story Online

Strategies that work! - A resources for teachers in regards to reading!

Guide to Effective Reading (Ministry Document)

Reggio Resources:

Ontario Reggio Association

Learning Pages - Reggio

TED Talks worth Watching!

TED Talk: Michelle Obama shares her views on Education! - Michelle Obama discusses woman and education in London, England.

TED Talk: Talks from Inspiring Teachers! - A worthwhile watch for teachers - browse through the 8 different and wonderful talks!

TED Talk: The power of believing that you can improve - This is an interesting article that focuses on a growth mindset vs. a fixed mindset. A great read for parents and educators!

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