Exploring Colours
(“C” is for colour): The main focus of last week was Exploring
Colours (to correspond with our letter of the week “C”).
The students of
Room 108, practiced sorting (Math) using a Colour Sort template. After they
completed sorting the colours, they ordered the items from shortest to tallest
One centre was
having the students find various items in the classroom and sort them. The
students had a great time sorting the colours on the different plates and naming the different colours.
Science Curriculum Expectations:
1.2 sort and classify groups of living and nonliving things in their own way
Math Curriculum Expectations:
G3.1explore, sort, and compare traditional and non-traditional two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional figures
G3.2 identify and describe, using common geometric terms, two dimensional shapes (e.g., triangle)and three-dimensional figures(e.g., cone) through investigation with concrete materials
G3.4 build three-dimensional structures using a variety of materials and begin to recognize the three-dimensional figures their structure contains
DM5.1 sort, classify, and compare objects and describe the attributes used
In Math, the
students of Room 108 were reviewing the various 2D Shapes and fine motor by
tracing the shapes and then naming them. The students also had to discuss the
number of sides of each shape.
Math Curriculum Expectations:
G3.1explore, sort, and compare traditional and non-traditional two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional figures
G3.2 identify and describe, using common geometric terms, two dimensional shapes (e.g., triangle)and three-dimensional figures(e.g., cone) through investigation with concrete materials
Mixing Colours:
We introduced primary colours and how you can create different colours using
two different colours. We explored this in our water centre using food
colouring. In centres we explored mixing colours using paint and plasticine.
Using the plasticine, the students made Caterpillars based on the book The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
At the end of the week, the students of Room 108 created a colour wheel as a final project to understand the various colours.
Science Curriculum Expectations:
2.1 state problems and pose questions before and during investigations
2.2 make predictions and observations before and during investigations
The Arts Curriculum Expectations:
V2.2 explore different elements of design (e.g., colour, line, shape, texture, form) in visual arts
Language Curriculum Expectation:
1.1 explore sounds, rhythms, and language structures, with guidance and on their own
1.4 follow and provide one- and two-step directions in different contexts
1.5 use language in various contexts to connect new experiences with what they already know
1.5 use language in various contexts to connect new experiences with what they already know
Personal and Social Development Curriculum Expectation:
1.3 express their thoughts
Books we read to promote the Letter "C" and for all of the colour lessons:
Language Curriculum Expectations:
1.1 explore sounds, rhythms, and language structures, with guidance and on their own
1.2 listen and respond to others for a variety of purposes (e.g., to exchange ideas, express feelings, offer opinions) and in a variety of contexts
1.5 use language in various contexts to connect new experiences with what they already know
1.8 ask questions for a variety of purposes
Introduction to 3D Shapes: The students used 3D blocks to create structures.
Math Curriculum Expectations:
G3.2 identify and describe, using common geometric terms, two dimensional shapes (e.g., triangle)and three-dimensional figures(e.g., cone) through investigation with concrete materials
G3.4 build three-dimensional structures using a variety of materials and begin to recognize the three-dimensional figures their structure contains