Friday, October 17, 2014

Show and tell

The students of Room 108 will begin Show and tell next week. Show and Tell will take place on Friday mornings (one student per Friday). Your child will receive a letter on the Monday, letting them know that they will have show and tell on that Friday. Please remind your child to bring something to the class that is special to them and review why it is special to them and why they would like to share it. Please do not let your child bring anything that can break and review the rules of taking care of their item. They will keep their item in their backpack until it is there time to share, once they have finished sharing they will place the item back into their backpack. Please remind the students ONLY to bring an item in when it is there turn to share. Every student will have an opportunity to share.


Feel free to contact me with any questions. Thank you.

I. Givelos

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