5, 2014
Parents/Guardians and Students,
to our Full Day Kindergarten classroom. I am very excited to be teaching your child
this year. I look forward to a great
year filled with new experiences, exciting learning, and of course, fun! I am
also very excited to be working with our ECE Ms. Isabel Saplala who will be
working in our classroom all year.
have an “open-door” philosophy and I always welcome parents/guardians. I
believe that in order to provide an effective education for your child we must
work as a team and therefore I like to keep a constant line of communication
between school and home. I have found that the best way to do this is through a
Communication Folder, which will be sent home EVERY MONDAY. On Monday September 8th your child will
receive their FIRST Communication Folder, which will contain important
information about the school, a package that needs to be reviewed, filled out
and signed, Class calendar and any other important information you may need.
important information to note includes:
- Physical Education days are Day 2 and Day
- Music and Drama is on Day 1, 3,4.
- Library is on Day 5.
- Please send indoor running shoes so that your child always has the appropriate
footwear for Phys. Ed and DPA.
- Please send your child to school with a water
- Please make sure that all things brought to
school have your child’s name clearly marked on it to help place missing items
with rightful owners. Please label lunch bags.
- Snack
program has begun and will be provided to the students in the afternoon. If
your child enjoys a morning snack please pack them a healthy snack.
- A copy of the September calendar will be
included in Monday’s package. I will
send home a calendar every month.
Please fill out
the student information sheet and return it promptly. The more information I have about each child,
the better able I will be to program for students’ specific needs.
I look forward
to meeting you at the school’s upcoming curriculum night (the date will be
provided to you as soon as possible). At that time you will be given more
information about the school year. If
you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at the
school by leaving a message at 416-393-0570 or via email at