Thursday, January 7, 2016

TED Talk!

Creating 2D Shapes

Math: Creating 2D Patterns & Figures:

In October and November, we focused on Patterning and 2D Shapes. Activities included: 2D robots, memory games, patterned necklaces, creating 2D patterns using various shapes such as: triangles, trapezoids, hexagons, parallelograms etc... 

Incorporating Technology at Home:
Continue to have your child practice their 2D Shapes and creating images using them online:

Curriculum Expectations:
-identify and describe common two dimensional shapes
-trace and identify two dimensional figures
-compose patterns, pictures and designs using common two-dimensional shapes
-identify and describe shapes within shapes (shapes with a geometric design)
-identify  and describe and extend through investigation, geometric repeating patterns involving one attribute (e.g. colour, size, shape, thickness and orientation)
-identify a rule for a repeating pattern
-create a repeating pattern involving one attribute
-represent a given repeating pattern in a variety of ways (A, B, A…)

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Literacy: Monthly Writing

Acrostic Poems: The students of Room 103 worked on using descriptive words when describing something. This task had a focus of September and using description words to create an Acrostic Poem. Students then created Acrostic Poems using their names as the main idea. Our Acrostic Name Poems are displayed outside our classroom door.

Starting to create sentences...

The students of Room 103 are starting to create sentences using high frequency spelling words, the word wall and teacher assistance. 

Activities at home: Have a journal at home and have your child write down a sentence about something they did that day or what they liked about their day. Help them out with words that are harder to spell but encourage them to sound out each letter and write down what they hear!

Curriculum Expectations:
-confirm spelling and word meanings
-spell some high frequency words correctly
-spell unfamiliar words using a variety of strategies
-confirm spellings and word meaning or word choice using a word bank
-print neatly and recognize the properties of the different letters
-automatically read and understand some high frequency words

This month's topic: My Holiday Break!

Monday, January 4, 2016

Welcome back! I hope you had a very happy and relaxing holiday!

I am looking forward to all the learning of 2016! This year we have a lot of exciting activities planned. For the next few weeks we will be working on...

Literacy: Creating New Years Resolutions, Journal Entries describing our Holiday and reading every day!
Math: Concluding Data Management and starting 3-D Geometry.
Social Studies:  Continue to discuss Roles & Responsibilities at home and in the classroom!
Art: Continue to express our writing, feelings through various types of art projects.

In literacy, we will continue with our Poem of the Week, Words of the Week & we will start our Morning Challenges as of next week (stay tuned for more details).

Over the next week, I will be posting some highlights of our learning in 2015!

Thank you and all the best in 2016!

Ms. Givelos

Monday, November 9, 2015


The students of Room 103 have been using Art, Literacy and Science to learn and demonstrate their understanding about fall. We have studying the trees in the front yard and analyzing, exploring and discussing the changes.
Check out what we have been up to in Room 103.

Science Curriculum Expectations:
Understanding Earth and Space Systems: Daily and Seasonal Changes

1.1 Assess the impact of daily and seasonal changes on human outdoor activities
1.2 Assess ways in which daily and seasonal changes have an impact on society and the environment
2.2 Investigate the changes in the amount of light from the sun that occur throughout the day
Understanding Matter and Energy: Energy in our lives
2.2 Investigate how the sun affects the air, land and/or water
2.4 Investigate and compare seasonal differences in the ways we use energy and the types of energy we use
2.7 Use appropriate science and technology vocabulary
3.2 Demonstrate an understanding that the sun, as the earth's principal source of energy, warms the air, land, and water
3.4 Describe and compare the four seasons
3.6 Describe how humans

Math Curriculum Expectations:
-relate temperature to experiences of the seasons

Art Curriculum Expectations:
D1.1 Create two dimensional works of art that express ideas and feelings inspired by personal experiences.
D1.2 Demonstrate an understanding of composition, using principals of design to create art works on a theme or topic (fall, using dots and colours to express the colours of fall).
D1.3 Use elements of design in art works to communicate ideas, messages and personal understandings.
D1.4 Use a variety of materials, tools and techniques to respond to different challenges.


Monday, September 21, 2015

We have had a great first few weeks - stay tuned over the next few days to check out what we have been working on in Grade 1 Math, Language and Social Studies.

Please check the latest pages to find out about the Book Talk Program and the Take Home Bags!

Please feel free to contact me with any questions!

Ms. Givelos

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Welcome to our Grade 1 Classroom! I am very excited to be teaching your child this year. I look forward to a great year filled with lots of new experiences, exciting learning, and of course, fun!

Please read below our FIRST NEWSLETTER sent home on September 9, 2015. 

I have an open-door philosophy and I always welcome parents/guardians. I believe that in order to provide an effective education for your child we must work as a team and therefore I like to keep a constant line of communication between school and home. I will be communicating with you via your child’s planner. If you have any questions and/or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at the school at 416-395-2750 or via e-mail at

Friendly Reminders:
-Your child's agenda is a great way for me to send home items and to communicate with you, please ensure you are checking it every day
-Physical Education Days are Day 3 & 5
-Music & Drama is Day 1, 2, 3
-Library is Day 4
-Please send indoor running shoes so that your child always has appropriate footwear for Phys. Ed. And DPA
-Please send your child to school with a water bottle
-Please make sure that all things brought to school have your child’s name clearly marked on it to help place missing items with rightful
Please label lunch bags.
Keep checking our blog weekly for updates, calendars, newsletters and to stay in the loop! Feel free to check out my posts from last year!

I. Givelos