Thursday, January 7, 2016

Creating 2D Shapes

Math: Creating 2D Patterns & Figures:

In October and November, we focused on Patterning and 2D Shapes. Activities included: 2D robots, memory games, patterned necklaces, creating 2D patterns using various shapes such as: triangles, trapezoids, hexagons, parallelograms etc... 

Incorporating Technology at Home:
Continue to have your child practice their 2D Shapes and creating images using them online:

Curriculum Expectations:
-identify and describe common two dimensional shapes
-trace and identify two dimensional figures
-compose patterns, pictures and designs using common two-dimensional shapes
-identify and describe shapes within shapes (shapes with a geometric design)
-identify  and describe and extend through investigation, geometric repeating patterns involving one attribute (e.g. colour, size, shape, thickness and orientation)
-identify a rule for a repeating pattern
-create a repeating pattern involving one attribute
-represent a given repeating pattern in a variety of ways (A, B, A…)

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