to our Grade 1 Classroom! I am very excited to be teaching your child this
year. I look forward to a great year filled with lots of new experiences, exciting learning, and of
course, fun!
Please read below our FIRST NEWSLETTER sent home on September 9, 2015.
have an open-door philosophy and I always welcome parents/guardians. I believe
that in order to provide an effective education for your child we must work as
a team and therefore I like to keep a constant line of communication between
school and home. I will be communicating with you via your child’s planner. If
you have any questions and/or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at
the school at 416-395-2750 or via e-mail at ilianna.givelos@tdsb.on.ca.
Friendly Reminders:
-Your child's agenda is a great way for me to send home items and to communicate with you, please ensure you are checking it every day
Education Days are Day 3 & 5
-Music & Drama is Day 1, 2, 3
-Library is Day 4
-Please send indoor running shoes so that your child always has appropriate footwear for Phys. Ed. And DPA
-Please send your child to school with a water bottle
-Please make sure that all things brought to school have your child’s name clearly marked on it to help place missing items with rightful
owners. Please label lunch bags.
-Library is Day 4
-Please send indoor running shoes so that your child always has appropriate footwear for Phys. Ed. And DPA
-Please send your child to school with a water bottle
-Please make sure that all things brought to school have your child’s name clearly marked on it to help place missing items with rightful
owners. Please label lunch bags.
Keep checking our blog weekly for updates, calendars, newsletters and to stay in the loop! Feel free to check out my posts from last year!
I. Givelos
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