Friday, February 20, 2015

Our favourite part of visiting Young People’s Theatre was….

Yesterday, we had a great time at Young People’s Theatre watching the Snow Angel Performance. The students LOVED that there was no dialogue and loved how interactive the play was. I would definitely suggest a weekend trip to visit a play if you are up for it (price ranges but can be a great thing to do with your child).  

We had a whole group class discussion and we shared all of our favourite moments, the students then took time to draw their favourite moments (a lot of students LOVED riding the school bus with all of their friends).

To enhance literacy and promoting phonemic awareness the students were challenged to try to spell out the words they were trying to say. With direct assistance, I helped the students sound out the phonemes slowly and recognize the letter sound – “k…i…d….s…”. Try this at home!

Check out what we drew/wrote…

If your child's work is not yet displayed - please feel free to e-mail at and I will send you their work.

Thank you!

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