Wednesday, December 17, 2014


You are welcome to bring NUT free treats on Friday as we will be having our Holiday Party to celebrate the Winter Break. The students will be having hot chocolate in the morning and will enjoy a party in the afternoon. Please let me know if you have any questions

Please return all Activity Folders/Communication Folders by Friday!

Thank you.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Focus this week:

Studying Text: This week we will be focusing on breaking down books, expressing ideas and studying the features of text (Such as title, author, illustrator, cover, back etc…).

We started our focus on the Title of the story. The students had to point where the title was, identify that it was words and that it helped tell us what the story might be about. We compared the title to the picture on the cover to see if we think it made sense. Every day we will add to our chart paper as we uncover the different features of the text.

Curriculum Expectations:
-demonstrate an awareness of basic book conventions and concepts of print when a text is read aloud or when they are beginning to read print
-make predictions regarding an unfamiliar text that is read by and with the EL–K team, using prior experience, knowledge of familiar texts, and general knowledge of the world around them.

Making Connections
The students are always encouraged during reading to make connections to their personal lives, other stories they have read or what they think of when they read the story.

Activity at home:
When reading at home, have students reflect on the story, ask them questions about the story and ask them if the story reminds them of another story, something they have done etc…

Curriculum Expectations:
-use language in various contexts to connect new experiences with what
they already know
-use language to talk about their thinking, to reflect, and to solve
-ask questions for a variety of purposes
-orally retell simple events and simple familiar stories in proper sequence
-demonstrate an interest in reading

Literacy Centres: Reviewing our Letters S, A, T, I, P, N, C, K, E

This week, the students of Room 108 will review the letters of the week that we have focused on since October. The SK’s will have a high focus on reading our first group of Sight Words and practice sounding them out and writing them out. The JK’s will continue focusing on the various sounds and the printing of the letters in their printing workbooks.

Curriculum Expectations
-demonstrate knowledge of most letters of the alphabet in different contexts
-begin to use reading strategies to make sense of unfamiliar texts in print 

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Transforming our Science Centre into a Winter Wonderland

Transforming our Science Centre into a Winter Wonderland

The students of Room 108 were asked what they needed to change (from our fall table) to reflect our current season winter. This is what they came up with...

The students were given various materials and were allowed to create their science table without very little direction. For snow they used paint, sugar cubes, Kleenex, cotton balls… They created snowmen using paper cups, pipe cleaners and felt.

In order to create the shimmery effect, the students used glitter to cover the cotton and the paint.

They also created pictures and placed them around the table. 

This is a work in progress and the students think of new ideas every day, stay tuned for the changes at our Science Table!

Art Activity: Creating Snowflakes

The students have been creating decorations using beads and pipe cleaners (focusing on fine motor skills).

The students were asked to create pictures of what they saw on their way to school today (as it snowed today). We read a book about snow, discussed the changes in the season and brainstormed a few ideas on what we see, feel and hear. Check out what they created..

Science Curriculum Expectations:
-ask questions about and describe some natural occurrences, using their own observations and representations
-state problems and pose questions before and during investigations 
-select and use materials to carry out their own explorations 
-state problems and pose questions as part of the design process
-make predictions and observations throughout the design process 
-select and use tools, equipment, and materials to construct things using the design process

Math Curriculum Expectations:
-identify and describe informally the repeating nature of patterns in everyday contexts (seasons)

 In Literacy: Building our Word Wall
The students of Room 108 are beginning to build our Word Wall. The SK's have been working hard in the Reading/Writing groups exploring various word blends, the sounds of the letters and learning new sight words. They will building the word wall by practicing and recognizing words and then spelling them out (if possible from memory).

Language Curriculum Expectations:
-demonstrate an interest in writing
-begin to use reading strategies to make sense of unfamiliar texts in print (strong focus in our Guided Reading/Writing Groups)
-begin to use classroom resources to support their writing (e.g. word wall)

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

 Elf on the Shelf: 
The students of Room 108 have been sent a special visitor from the North Pole to watch out and ensure they are being kind and caring. Our elf (sent by Santa) is hanging out in our classroom to ensure that the students are sharing, being kind and following the Room 108 Contract. So far, our elf has moved around the room. Ask your student about our Elf on the Shelf.

 Emily’s Christmas Gift

 Letter of the Week:  E is for Emily

The book "Emily's Christmas Gifts" is about Emily is about how the best gift of all is when you are showing people how much you care about them. We tried to focus on how gift giving is nice but when you are being kind and nice to your family, friends and everyone around you, it makes you and them feel good. The students of Room 108 brainstormed ideas on how they can show kindness and caring to their friends and family. The students were given comparisons of behaviour and asked what they would prefer (e.g. being together with all of their friends and playing and having fun versus having one toy and not being together with their friends). We also tried to ensure that we discuss different holidays throughout the year (not focusing on only Christmas). 

“Help with Laundry” – Vina, Briyana, Julia

“Be kind to our teachers” – Shemar

“Bring dog food” – Tyler
“Wash dishes” – Julia, Stella
“Being silly with daddy” – Vanessa

“Helping mom with Christmas Tree” –Michael

“I will give hugs” – Shahira

Curriculum Expectations: (Personal and Social Development) 
-demonstrate the ability to take turns in activities and discussions
-demonstrate an awareness of ways of making and keeping friends
-develop empathy for others, and acknowledge and respond to each other’s feelings
-demonstrate respect and consideration for individual differences and alternative points of view

When asked why the author wrote the book:

“The author wrote this book so you can be helpful” - Whayne

Curriculum Expectations: (Language)
-         listen and respond to others for a variety of purposes
-         use language in various contexts to connect new experiences with what they already know
-         use language to talk about their thinking, to reflect, and to solve problems
-         describe personal experiences, using vocabulary and details appropriate to the situation

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

There will be no school on Friday, December 5th.

Thank you.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Exploring Colours (“C” is for colour): The main focus of last week was Exploring Colours (to correspond with our letter of the week “C”).

The students of Room 108, practiced sorting (Math) using a Colour Sort template. After they completed sorting the colours, they ordered the items from shortest to tallest (Math).

One centre was having the students find various items in the classroom and sort them. The students had a great time sorting the colours on the different plates and naming the different colours.

Science Curriculum Expectations: 
1.2 sort and classify groups of living and nonliving things in their own way

Math Curriculum Expectations: 
G3.1explore, sort, and compare traditional and non-traditional two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional figures

G3.2 identify and describe, using common geometric terms, two dimensional shapes (e.g., triangle)and three-dimensional figures(e.g., cone) through investigation with concrete materials

G3.4 build three-dimensional structures using a variety of materials and begin to recognize the three-dimensional figures their structure contains

DM5.1 sort, classify, and compare objects and describe the attributes used


In Math, the students of Room 108 were reviewing the various 2D Shapes and fine motor by tracing the shapes and then naming them. The students also had to discuss the number of sides of each shape.

Math Curriculum Expectations: 
G3.1explore, sort, and compare traditional and non-traditional two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional figures

G3.2 identify and describe, using common geometric terms, two dimensional shapes (e.g., triangle)and three-dimensional figures(e.g., cone) through investigation with concrete materials

“C” Centre with 2D Shapes:

Mixing Colours: We introduced primary colours and how you can create different colours using two different colours. We explored this in our water centre using food colouring. In centres we explored mixing colours using paint and plasticine.

Using the plasticine, the students made Caterpillars based on the book The Very Hungry Caterpillar. 

At the end of the week, the students of Room 108 created a colour wheel as a final project to understand the various colours.  

Science Curriculum Expectations: 
2.1 state problems and pose questions before and during investigations 

2.2 make predictions and observations before and during investigations

The Arts Curriculum Expectations:
V2.2 explore different elements of design (e.g., colour, line, shape, texture, form) in visual arts 

Language Curriculum Expectation:
1.1 explore sounds, rhythms, and language structures, with guidance and on their own 

1.4 follow and provide one- and two-step directions in different contexts 

1.5 use language in various contexts to connect new experiences with what they already know

1.5 use language in various contexts to connect new experiences with what they already know

Personal and Social Development Curriculum Expectation: 
1.3 express their thoughts

Books we read to promote the Letter "C" and for all of the colour lessons:

Language Curriculum Expectations: 
1.1 explore sounds, rhythms, and language structures, with guidance and on their own

1.2 listen and respond to others for a variety of purposes (e.g., to exchange ideas, express feelings, offer opinions) and in a variety of contexts

1.5 use language in various contexts to connect new experiences with what they already know 

1.8 ask questions for a variety of purposes

Introduction to 3D Shapes: The students used 3D blocks to create structures.

Math Curriculum Expectations: 
G3.2 identify and describe, using common geometric terms, two dimensional shapes (e.g., triangle)and three-dimensional figures(e.g., cone) through investigation with concrete materials

G3.4 build three-dimensional structures using a variety of materials and begin to recognize the three-dimensional figures their structure contains

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Dear Parents,

Kleenex: If you are able, could you kindly bring a Kleenex box for the students of Room 108. As it is getting colder, many of the students have stuffy noses and the school Kleenex is a bit harsh for their noses.

Playdough: The students of Room 108 use play dough every day for literacy centres and discovery centres, it would be greatly appreciated if parents could all help out and make some play dough for the students to enjoy as we do go through play dough quickly (please see attached recipe for homemade playdough).

As the weather is changing and it is getting colder, please ensure you are sending your student to school with gloves, mittens, scarves and hats. The students spend at least 40 minutes outside every day. If you could kindly LABEL all of their items. IF possible, please bring extra outdoor accessories (scarves, hats, mittens and gloves and put it in a labeled Ziploc bag for the students to keep in their bin just in case!

Thank you.

Ms. Givelos

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Room 108’s Secret Password:

Every morning the students of Room 108 need to read the secret password before entering the class. The words written will help them stretch out sounds (all from previous letters of the week) to read a simple sight word. Today’s word and tomorrow’s is “Nap”.


The letter of the week is written on the student’s hands once/twice a week to help reinforce their understanding of uppercase and lowercase letters. It also gives parents an opportunity to ask students about the sound, shape of the letter and review words that begin with that letter. Ask your child to review the letter of the week with you daily.

Words that the students of Room 108 have come up with that start with the letter N are:

During Literacy Centres, the students choose words they like to spell and items they draw all beginning with the letter N using the smartboard. 

Curriculum Expectations:
-demonstrate knowledge of most of the letters of the alphabet in different contexts

Home Activity:
Have your child chant the words that start with the letter N and have them try to come up with words at home. Have them stop you when you are talking when you say a word that begins with the letter N. 

Literacy Centre: Alphabet puzzles are a great way to work with your child and discuss the sounds of each letter as opposed to only the name of each letter. 


As the letter of the week is N, the students of Room 108 created “Necklaces”. Incorporated into this lesson was math as the beads used to create the necklaces were 3D shapes (small introduction to 3D shapes). The students discussed the various 2D shapes they found in the 3D shapes which will be formally introduced next week.

Curriculum Expectations:
-investigate the idea that quantity is greater when counting forward (by counting the number of beads used)
-demonstrate understanding of counting concepts of stable order (counting 1, 2, 3)
-explore, sort and compare 2D shapes
-explore, identify and describe using geometric terms for 2D shapes


As the weather has changed we are focusing on the seasons and changes in temperature. Yesterday we read “Thomas’ snowsuit” which was a fun way of discussing the changes in weather and the added outdoor clothing. 

Curriculum Expectations:
-ask questions about and describe natural occurrences, using their own observations and representations
-make predictions and observations before and during investigations

After the story, we took the opportunity to have a student model how to properly put on all of our outdoor clothing before going outside (Self-Regulation). 

Curriculum Expectation: 
-demonstrate self-reliance and a sense of responsibility (e.g., make choices and decisions on their own, take care of personal belongings, know when to seek assistance, know how to get materials they need)

Over the next few weeks we will be exploring Water and how it freezes/melts (temperature changes).